$var = 'bla'.$var2.'doh'.$var3['index'].'argh'.$var4[$var4index];

is so much more readable in any editor that does syntax highlighting,
and parses quicker too.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:15 AM, David Mehler <dave.meh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got what is probably a very simple question, probably something
> having to do with quotes single vs. double, but the answer is
> frustrating elusive, I keep getting a syntax error.
> I'm trying to customize a wordpress theme a friend sent me. We're both
> using apache as web server and php5, but his has got to be configed
> differently than mine. The theme deals with multiple stylesheet
> inclusion among other things. The original line is:
> $styleSheets[0]["sheet"]='<link
> href="/wp-content/themes/theme/style/white.css" rel="stylesheet"
> type="text/css" />';
> That code puts the <link in the head portion of the document. The
> issue is his / is not where mine is, i'm using a virtual host and need
> a line similar to this:
> $styleSheets[0]["sheet"]='<link href=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .
> "/wp-content/themes/theme/style/white.css" rel="stylesheet"
> type="text/css" />';
> I've tried this with both double quotes before the <link declaration,
> but keep getting a parse error.
> Help appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Dave.
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