On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Per Jessen <p...@computer.org> wrote:
> Tommy Pham wrote:
>> I'm presenting the argument for threading.  Per is presenting the work
>> around using asynchronous queries via mysqlnd.  I did read that link a
>> few days ago, "Although the user can send multiple queries at once,
>> multiple queries cannot be sent over a busy connection. If a query is
>> sent while the connection is busy, it waits until the last query is
>> finished and discards all its results."  Which sounds like threads ->
>> multiple connections to not run into that problem.
> You must have read the wrong page.  This is NOT about multiple queries,
> it's about _asynchronous_ queries.
 That quote is comming directly from that link Peter Lind gave, which
I read a few days ago.  Did you read it?

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