Thanks a lot for your reply,
by mentioning
/usr/sbin/function function_args

you mean the file that runs and requires the password?
from what i had in mind i tried to use the args and argv attributes i used
in linux
but i couldn't make it !

Thanks again

On 29 March 2010 10:58, Ashley Sheridan <> wrote:

>  On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 10:38 +0300, Manolis Vlachakis wrote:
> Hallo there everyone,
> i am using a command on the server (kinit)and after that a password is
> required to type in
> the thing is that i would like that to be done automaticaly from the php
> code!
> i found that one
> but is not what i want(and is not working)
> i thought something like
> *
> *
>    1. fwrite and then the$_SERVER['password here']
> and then use the Post method to be writen on the prompt but i am not quite
> sure whta to do ..
>  Most command line functions expect the password to be typed in over stdin,
> which you can include in the call to the command line using a pipe:
> exec("echo 'password' | /usr/sbin/function function_args");
>   Thanks,
> Ash

Manolis Vlachakis

Nelly's Family Hotel
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Skype : manolis.vlachakis

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