You can use, function and parse the
authentication header.
For basic authentication, username and password are kept base64
encoded and separated by a ":"

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On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Satz Klauer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running a system with Fedora 12 and Apache/PHP default installation.
> That means PHP is used as module in Apache, it is NOT running as CGI.
> Nevertheless for the latest PHP version installed there
> $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] do no longer work, they are empty and I get a
> warning that they do not exist. It looks for me like a big incompatible
> change from one version of PHP to an other (which is a mess).
> So how can I get them back? Or what is the intended way to access the HTTP
> Basic Auth username and password?

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