On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 09:51 +0200, Nick Balestra wrote:

> Hello guys i am trying to figure out what is worng with thoose special 
> escaped character, like \n \t \r ...
> As i cannot make them working. The browser doesn't display them, but doesn't 
> eithr crate a new line, or else.
> I am using them fro example like this:
> print: "this shoudl be on a line \nwhile this on a new line";
> I've searched google and saw man people struggling with this, but apparently 
> not a clear answer to why....maybe is a stupid beginner question, but i would 
> just like to know.  (Personally i solved for the moment by printing out <br> 
> or <pre>, but i would like to understand this.
> Cheers, Nick

By default, PHP sends out HTML headers. Browsers ignore extraneous
white-space characters, and also new lines, carriage returns and tabs,
converting them all to a single space character.

If you view the source in your browser, you'll see the newlines, but in
regular display, your text is treated as HTML.

There is a function in PHP called nl2br, which accepts a string and
returns the same one with all the newlines replaced with <br>
automatically, which might be easier to use if your content is in a
string. Otherwise, the only way to get new lines on your actual page is
to either manually use <br> tags, put the text inside a <pre> block, or
use CSS to preserve the white-space.


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