On 27 May 2010 17:57, la...@garfieldtech.com <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> On 5/27/10 10:43 AM, Peter Lind wrote:
>> You're overriding the function. IDEs should *not* show the parent
>> documentation, because the parent function does *not* get called. It
>> only gets called if you do a specific parent::hello($a, $b);
> *snip*
>>> So it seems like no matter what I do, someone gets totally screwed with
>>> useless documentation (either IDE users, plain text editor users,
>>> code/documentation maintainers, or people looking at the documentation
>>> online in Doxygen or PHPDoc).  Is there an alternative I'm missing that
>>> doesn't suck?  What do most people do to deal with this trainwreck?
>> Personally, I think this issue stems from a wrong way of thinking
>> about methods and overriding them. You're either not documenting the
>> overriding methods properly or overriding methods for no real reason.
>> At least, that's how it looks from here (and my apologies if I got it
>> completely wrong :) ).
>> Regards
>> Peter
> I'm overriding the method because I want to change the *implementation*.
>  The *interface* of it, which is documented in the docblock, should not
> change and it's a bug (and possibly compile error) if it does change. You
> cannot, for instance, change what parameters the method takes in a subclass.
>  If you change the meaning of those parameters then you're setting yourself
> up for crazy and hard to debug bugs.  So the @param documentation absolutely
> should be the same for both.

Sure, but @param, @access and possibly @return are but a part. I stand
by my words: document the parent as a stub and provide actual
documentation for the real implementations. Otherwise you're trying to
be *clever* and will see the age-old result: you'll end up shooting
yourself in the foot or worse places.


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