On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 15:12 -0400, Alice Wei wrote:
What I am trying to find out is, when I have my form with a dependent select menu, how can I pass the value of the select menu to another page? I have mentioned in the initial email that if I just allow users to type stuff, it passes the form back to itself and works. However, what I want to do is to allow users click one radio button/checkbox, and use that value to determine which "select menu" to bring up. However, the information I am only interested in storing, is the value of the select menu and not the radio button/checkbox.

Am I making sense here?


Maybe that is why I cannot pass the information on in the "hidden" value, but what have I missed here? Ajax? PHP? I am getting confused.



That's the reason why I am taking this in steps instead of hitting you with all the buzz-words you were throwing around when we started.

If you don't know how to pass variables from one page to another, then why require ajax? That only complicates the process. There are several methods to pass variables from one page to another. You could have everything contained in a single page, but let's just solve your problem.

To pass things from one page to another has been demonstrated to you in the examples I provided, namely:




Those forms are passing data as the user clicks submit.

Now, you want the user to pick a value and then pass that value to a different page to bring up a different select control, right?

Please review this:


That does everything you ask and it does it simply without ajax. From these examples you should be able to create just about anything you want.



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