On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 03:12:10AM -0400, Adam Richardson wrote:

> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 2:16 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk>wrote:
> > On Sun, 2010-05-30 at 01:49 -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> >


> Hi Paul,
> When you describe one-way or two-way encryption, what are you describing?
>  Are you describing hashing vs encryption where the plain-text is
> recoverable with a key, or are you describing symmetric (one key handles
> encrypting and decrypting) vs asymmetric (separate keys handle encrypting
> and decrypting) encryption?

I'm not very good with this terminology. What I mean is that there's no
way to decrypt the value without the key, and the key is not stored on
the system. This would be like password storage on *nix systems-- if you
forget the password, there's no practical way to log in. (Yes, I know
there are dictionary-based and brute force methods, but in general,
if you forget your password, you're screwed.)

What PCI wants is strong encryption. I take this to mean that keys are
long enough to be practically invulnerable to hacking.

> Now if you one-way encrypt the credit card numbers in the customer
> records, then it seems to me that any time that field has to be accessed
> (to edit the record or charge something to the card), you'd have to have
> the user enter a specific "password" to unlock the encryption.
> You can't decrypt (or "unlock") a hashed password (at least if you used a
> secure hash), but I'm not sure you're talking about symmetric vs asymmetric
> encryption, either.  With more details , I can provide feedback on the
> encryption schemes you're considering (remember, you have to make sure that
> you are managing encryption keys very carefully, as among other things, PCI
> requires that "keys are stored in encrypted format and that key- encrypting
> keys are stored separately from data- encrypting keys.")

By "assymetric", I take it you mean like PGP or GPG, where there are
public and private keys? I don't really understand this technology, and
I'm not sure it matters.



Paul M. Foster

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