Tanel Tammik wrote:
"Nathan Rixham" <nrix...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:4c097083.3080...@gmail.com...
Tanel Tammik wrote:
""Tanel Tammik"" <keevit...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:31.a3.00596.0d759...@pb1.pair.com...
"Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote in message news:1275678975.2217.83.ca...@localhost...
On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 22:07 +0300, Tanel Tammik wrote:


define('MYCONST', 'something');

$my = 'my';
$const = 'const';

is it possible to get the value of MYCONST using variables $my and $const_


I don't really see how you can? The only correlation at all is that the
two variables use the same letters combined as their values as the name
of the constant but in a different case. Variables and constants in PHP
are case-sensitive.

Why are you trying to do this anyway? Perhaps there's a better way than
what you are trying to do.


define('PERFIX', 'dbperfix_');
define('DB_MYTABLE', PERFIX . 'mytable');

abstract class Database {
 private static function table_name() {
   $table_name = strtolower(get_called_class());
   return constant('DB_' . strtoupper($table_name));

 public static function return_query() {
return "select * from " . static::table_name() . " where something='value'";

class MyTable extends Database {

echo MyTable::return_query();

i know i could just do return PERFIX . $table_name. - i'm using it that way. i was just curious if the other way is possible. might come handy some day!


this is better:

define('PERFIX', 'dbperfix_');
define('DB_MYTABLE', PERFIX . 'mytable');

abstract class Database {
  private static function table_name() {
    return constant('DB_' . strtoupper(get_called_class()));

  public static function return_query() {
return "select * from " . static::table_name() . " where something='value'";

class MyTable extends Database {

echo MyTable::return_query();
I'm jumping a few steps here, but you may be interested in looking at this pattern :)


i'm using also somekind of patter... don't have a name for it!

You're half way to building a DAO pattern / an ORM, been down this road several times myself and recognise it well.

<snip-code looks cool, no feedback - sure you'll figure it out as you hit things over the coming days and weeks ;)

PHP 5.3 is fun! With namespaced i can autoload all classes in different folders as well using namespace corresponding to the path to the class file!

But best of all, you're playing, learning, hacking and using the latest versions of your tools, so all credit to you and hope you have fun finding your own way - it's a wonderful thing when you read a book written by a coding legend in years to come and recognise what they are saying, and moreover have came to the same conclusions yourself (or even better you can disagree and back up your reasons why).

Good luck & keep going, you're doing great.


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