On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:16:08AM -0400, tedd wrote:

> At 9:32 AM -0400 6/10/10, Paul M Foster wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 07:03:28AM -0400, tedd wrote:
>>  > This is one of those questions that you can test very easily, just
>>>  initialize an array and try it.
>> +1
>> This is Tedd's modus operandi. His website(s) are full of exactly this
>> type of thing. And I have to agree. I can't count the number of
>> questions I *haven't* asked on this list, because I built a page to test
>> a particular concept. And this sort of activity (as opposed to just
>> reading about something) really locks in your understanding of a
>> concept.
>> Paul
> Paul:
> Now, if I could get the old memory to "lock in" and remember it, it
> would be great!
> I spend much of my time thinking "Did I do that before?"

<grin> I know the feeling. I will say this, though. I have yet to figure
out, from your URLs, how your site(s) is/are organized. Maybe a reorg
would help?


Paul M. Foster

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