On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 03:23 +0200, Jan Reiter wrote:

> Thanks. That was my first attempt, too. Only this will throw out rows, that 
> meet only one of the conditions, too. For example, I would get all pictures 
> that are bigger than 100, regardless of type, and all pictures that are of 
> type jpg, no matter the size. 
> Doing it with a view would be an option, but that would immensely decrease 
> flexibility.  
> I guess I have to keep on cooking my brain on this ;-) 
> I think I did it before, a few years ago when MySQL didn't support views yet, 
> but I can't find that stuff ... 
> @Dan: Thanks for forwarding my mail to the MySQL List!
> Regards,
> Jan
> From: Ashley Sheridan [mailto:a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 3:09 AM
> To: Jan Reiter
> Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP] SQL Syntax
> On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 02:58 +0200, Jan Reiter wrote: 
> Hi folks!
> I'm kind of ashamed to ask a question, as I haven't followed this list very
> much lately. 
> This isn't exactly a PHP question, but since mysql is the most popular
> database engine used with php, I figured someone here might have an idea.
> I have 2 tables. Table A containing 2 fields. A user ID and a picture ID =>
> A(uid,pid) and another table B, containing 3 fields. The picture ID, an
> attribute ID and a value for that attribute => B(pid,aid,value).
> Table B contains several rows for a single PID with various AIDs and values.
> Each AID is unique to a PID.  (e.g. AID = 1 always holding the value for the
> image size and AID = 3 always holding a value for the image type)
> The goal is now to join table A on table B using pid, and selecting the rows
> based on MULTIPLE  attributes. 
> So the result should only contain rows for images, that relate to an
> attribute ID = 1 (size) that is bigger than 100 AND!!!!!!! an attribute ID =
> 5 that equals 'jpg'. 
> I know that there is an easy solution to this, doing it in one query and I
> have the feeling, that I can almost touch it with my fingertips in my mind,
> but I can't go that final step, if you know what I mean. AND THAT DRIVES ME
> CRAZY!!!!!!
> I appreciate your thoughts on this.
> Regards,
> Jan
> You'll be looking for something like this (untested):
> LEFT JOIN b ON (a.pid = b.pid)
> WHERE (b.aid = 1 AND b.value > 100) OR (b.aid = 3 AND b.value = 'jpg')
> Obviously instead of the * you may have to change to a list of field names to 
> avoid fieldname collision on the two tables.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

I think maybe your table structure could do with a little work, as it
doesn't lend itself to simple queries. It could probably be done the way
you need with sub-queries, but as the tables become more populated and
more people are triggering the queries, this is going to become very


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