This is not a direct PHP question but I will be using PHP in the website.


I go to the php list because the wordpress forum does not respond to my
questions and I know some of you have a lot of expertise in other areas than


I wish to a my own pages to a theme.

I created pages on my PC and added the code at the top of the page for
wordpress to use the page for a template page.

I than FTP'd the file over to web hosting server template location.

Through  wordpress "administrator" I added my file called homepage.php.


I FTP'd my CSS, images, js and flash folders over to the template location.

Went to load the website
and all I got was the html code displayed.


I tried moving the folder around but same results.

Read some docs on this but it's not clear to me why this will not work.


Please help this is new to me and I need to get over this wall.









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