On 1 July 2010 23:40, Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 14:26 -0700, Don Wieland wrote:
>> In one of my forms, I am building a variable that I can use as an
>> INSERT string.
>> On my form, I have several DATE fields which exist of 3 fields MM - DD
>> - YYYY
>> when I build my string it looks like this:
>> array('dbf'=>'applicant_dob',
>> 'f'=>array('applicant_dob_1','applicant_dob_2','applicant_dob_3'),
>> 'req'=>0, 's'=>'/'),
>> This enters in the DB fine when there is a DATE, but when these fields
>> are left empty, it inserts into the the DB as 2069-12-31.
>> How does one deal with this?
>> Don Wieland
> How are you allowing the user to select a date? If it is three form
> fields, it might be logical to use select lists with the allowed range
> of values in.
> If that's not possible, use lines like this to set default values:
> $month = (isset($_POST['month']) && preg_match('/^\d{2}$/',
> $_POST['month']))?$_POST['month']:'01';
> which would set a default month value of '01' if there was either no
> month value sent or it wasn't a 2-digit value.

Not sure I'd bother with a preg there, intval should do it nicely.
Keep in mind you probably want to check the date at the end of this
with http://dk2.php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php or something


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