www.php.net/popen ? ... or am I missing something?

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 07:52:51PM -0400, Jeff Hill wrote:
> Don Read wrote:
> > On 13-Jul-01 Jeff Hill wrote:
> > > Don Read wrote:
> > >> On 13-Jul-01 Jeff Hill wrote:
> > >> > I've tried everything I can to pipe a string with mime content to
> > >> > metamail, but it fails in every variation of:
> > >> >
> > >> > exec("echo $mime_string | /usr/bin/metamail -d -q -r -w -x -y ",
> > >> > $met_res) ;
> > >>
> > >>  what about "/bin/echo ..."
> > >
> > > Nope, but I do appreciate the thought. Using "/bin/echo" just results in
> > > $met_res becoming an empty array, as does my example string.
> > >
> > 
> > Huh ?
> > $cmd='/bin/echo'  ." $mime_string | /usr/bin/metamail -d -q -r -w -x -y ";
> > echo ' cmd is:<br>', $cmd, '<p>';
> > fpassthru($cmd);
> Well, I really do appreciate the help; maybe I'm misunderstanding
> something. Using your statement above and executing the php script from
> bash, I first get the results of your echo statement:
>   cmd is:<br>/bin/echo 
>   . . . then the $mime_string, and then on the last line, 
>   | /usr/bin/metamail -d -q -r -w -x -y <p><br>
> After your echo statement, the fpassthru($cmd) results come back: 
> <b>Warning:</b> Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in
> <b>./mimescript_test.php</b> on line <b>9</b><br>
> The entire contents of this mimescript_test.php are:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/local/bin/php -q
> <?php
> $fp0 = fopen('php://stdin','r') or die("couldnt open stdin"); 
> while(!feof($fp0)) {
>         $mime_string .= fgets($fp0,4096);
> }
> $cmd='/bin/echo'  ." $mime_string | /usr/bin/metamail -d -q -r -w -x -y
> ";
> echo ' cmd is:<br>', $cmd, '<p>';
> fpassthru($cmd);
> ?>
> ----------------------------------------------------
> As it seems fpassthru is supposed to work with the file pointer rather
> than string, I did try using $fp0 rather than $mime_string, but I got
> "not a valid File-Handle resource".
> If I substitute exec for fpassthru and add a $return to capture what
> comes back, I get an empty array (I get a response of "Array" when
> attempting to echo the $return variable, when I echo $return[0], etc., I
> get nothing.
> If I substitute system for fpassthru, I get only "127" when I echo the
> $return.
> I'm not the expert, but it certainly seems the problem lies in getting
> the /bin/echo command pipe the string to metamail, and I'm not certain
> how to make it do so.
> Regards,
> Jeff Hill
> -- 
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