Richard Quadling wrote:
> On 12 July 2010 22:54, Daniel Kolbo <> wrote:
>> Richard Quadling wrote:
>>> On 11 July 2010 23:19, Daniel Kolbo <> wrote:
>>>> Hello PHPers,
>>>> I'm having some trouble understanding some PHP behaviour.  The following
>>>> example script exhibits the behaviour which I cannot understand.
>>>> [code]
>>>> <?php
>>>> class A
>>>> {
>>>>        public static $a = 3;
>>>>        function __construct()
>>>>        {
>>>>                //self::$a = $this; //[i]
>>>>                self::$a =& $this; //[ii]
>>>>        }
>>>> }
>>>> class B extends  A
>>>> {
>>>>        function __construct()
>>>>        {
>>>>                parent::__construct();
>>>>        }
>>>> }
>>>> class C {
>>>>        var $c;
>>>>        function __construct()
>>>>        {
>>>>                $this->c =& A::$a;
>>>>        }
>>>> }
>>>> $c = new C;
>>>> $b = new B;
>>>> $cee = new C;
>>>> var_dump($c->c); // [i] prints object(B), but [ii] prints int 3
>>>> var_dump($cee->c); // [i] prints object(B), and [ii] prints object(B)
>>>> ?>
>>>> [/code]
>>>> Why does $c->c print 'int 3' ?
>>>> I'm nervous to use "self::$a = $this;" because I don't want to be
>>>> copying the whole object.  However, isn't $this just a reference to the
>>>> object, so "self::$a = $this;" is just copying the reference and not the
>>>> actual object, right?
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>> What do you think the value should be?
>>> A static property is bound to the class and not to an instance of the class.
>>> So, &A::$a is a reference to the static value. If you alter the value,
>>> it will be altered for a subclasses of A and for any other reference
>>> to it.
>> I think
>> var_dump($c->c); would print object(B), but it's printing int 3.
>> The reference is *not* being updated.  I think this is a bug.  What do
>> you think?
>> Thanks
>> `
> What version of PHP are you using?
I'm using:
PHP Version 5.2.13

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