On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 14:41 -0400, Rick Dwyer wrote:

> Hello List.
> In the Alt section of the IMG tag below, the variable $myitem has a value of 
> "Who's There".
> echo "<div class='myclass'><a href='#' class='color_thumb'> <img 
> src='/itemimages/$mypic' alt='$myitem' width='60' ....
> When running through W3C validator, the line errors out because of the " ' " 
> in "Who's".
> I tried:
> $myitem=(htmlentities($myitem));
> But this has no affect on "Who's".
> What's the best way to code this portion so the apostrophe is handled 
> correctly?
> TIA,
> --Rick

Well, because the way you're using htmlentities() there is ignoring
single quotes, i.e. not escaping them. Try myitem=htmlentities($myitem,
ENT_QUOTES); instead.

Also, as an aside, I think it's general acceptance to use double quotes
on HTML attributes rather than single. While that does make for
complications when the HTML is part of a double-quoted string in PHP, it
does avoid tricker problems surrounding Javascript event handlers on
code, which generally use single quotes when they are part of an HTML


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