
Do you have a shared hosting? i.e. you must have hosted your site/page on
some server.

Most of the hosting server these days provide you with the feature of
installing SSL certificate.

So what you need is-

Buy a SSL certificate from a vendor. There are so many of them available
these days OR enquire with your hosting provider that if they provide a SSL
(may be a free SSL).

The certificate comes with a "KEY" (bunch of encrypted charcters). Put in
the key in your hosting panel SSL feature.

Also some server restrict the SSL to Static IP or may provide you with a
Shared SSL.


Gaurav Kumar

http://www.UncleCode.Com <>
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On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Jordan Jovanov <>wrote:

> Hello everybody
> I need me a little help.
> I have one web page with hhtp protocol, but i need to change in https.
> Somebody tell me that I need to create some SSL certificate.
> I  use some Apache server.
> Do you somebody know does is easy and can i do?
> Does need to write some php scripts or anything?
> Thanks a lot.
> --
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Gaurav Kumar

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