Stay off those red pills David!


----- Reply message -----
From: "David Harkness" <>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 18:54
Subject: [PHP] re: logical AND assignments
To: "Robert E. Glaser" <>
Cc: <>

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Robert E. Glaser <>wrote:

> It's hard to wrap my mind around the concept that the assignment
> operator itself has an operator precedence.  Which means that one could
> write expressions without any assignment at all, and be syntactically
> correct.

You do this all the time without realizing it!

    echo "Hello, " . $name;
    $rect->setTopLeft(new Point(5 * 3, 2 / 3));

These expressions are eventually assigned to function parameters or passed
to the PHP engine in the case of echo, but there are no assignment operators
present. And all of the control structures--if, while, for, etc.--take
expressions. Expressions are all around us. You can feel them when you go to
work . . . when you go to church . . . when you pay your taxes. No wait,
that's the Matrix.


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