In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Minardi Boy) wrote:

> I've downloaded the manual at
> but this wasn't very satisfying as I really don't like reading lots
> of complicated stuff on the screen of my laptop.

Then print it.  No kidding.  I'm all for conserving paper, but this is no 
waste.  The PHP manual--*with annotations*--is a very good introduction to 
PHP.  IMO, far too many people try to get by w/o reading the manual, then 
end up spending hours or days struggling with something that would have 
taken them seconds or minutes if they'd read the manual through.

A printout gives you get the best of both worlds: scribble notes all over 
the printout, while doing copy/pastes of the code snippets of the user 
annotations from the online version.

> Are there any books you guys/gals could recommend? Are there (non
> university/school) classes (satisfactory)?

Julie Meloni has two good intro-level books.  Many people seem to like the 
Wrox book as well. has a list of other books (I believe there's a 
link from <>).  Pick whichever one you're most 
comfortable with.

As to courses, any generalized intro-to-programming should be helpful for 
understanding concepts & terminology common to PHP and every other 
programming language. 

You mention an interest in databases.  If you're using MySQL (which you 
should, at least while you're learning, since virtually every PHP tutorial 
for databases uses MySQL as its DBMS), the essential MySQL 
tutorial/reference book IMO is Paul DuBois' "MySQL" from New Riders.  It 
even has a chapter devoted to using MySQL with PHP.

Caveat: do not expect to "learn databases" from any PHP reference.  
Database concepts, the SQL language, and the peculiarities (features, 
functions, syntax) of your DBMS are all big, important topics requiring a 
dedicated text of their own.

My recommendations:
The manual, plus any online or printed PHP tutorial of your choice.  
If you're planning to work with databases, add any standard intro to 
database concepts and SQL, plus the manual for your chosen DBMS.

Good luck!


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