Can you paste the index page's code here?  If the page is going blank
there's probably an error (syntax, bad file path, etc).  If you have access
you can turn error reporting on so you can actually see the error - or
better yet check the php error log file.  Settings for both of these are in
the php.ini file, though sometimes they can be overridden by apache
directives (depending on the setup).


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 4:12 PM, David McGlone <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been really good at googling to find my answers, but this time my
> method isn't working for me.
> I have created a very simple class and a constructor hoping to get a
> much better understanding of how to work with them. The code works, but
> because it's very simple, I'm not sure that the way  I'm trying to
> access it is possible.
> All I'm trying to do is "access the class from outside the function".
> (is that how to describe it?)
> For instance I have this simple code:
> class simpleConstructer {
> function __construct() {
>    echo "running the constructor";
> }
> }
> $test=new simpleConstructer();
> Basically I want to learn how I can (if it's possible with this simple
> code) is display the output on a different page.
> I tried putting the line: $test=new simpleConstructer(); on the index
> page and including the page the class is on, but it causes the index
> page to go blank.
> The thought of a session crossed my mind, but I'm pretty confident at my
> level to know I don't need a session.
> Could someone point me in the right direction or give me some pointers,
> advice?
> --
> Blessings
> David M.
> --
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