Rick Dwyer wrote:
Hello all.

I have a page where the user can enter a search phrase and upon submitting, the search phrase is queried in MySQL.

However, I need to modify is so each word in the phrase is searched for... not just the exact phrase.

So, "big blue hat" will return results like:

"A big hat - blue in color"
"Hat - blue, big"

SQL would look like ....

WHERE (item_description like "%big%" and item_description like "%blue%" and item_description like "%hat%" )

You may be better to use full text and MATCH for this, see:



So, via PHP, what is the best way to extract each word from the search phrase to it's own variable so I can place them dynamically into the SQL statement.

There are many ways you can do this:


Many examples can be found on the above pages, and you're real solution depends on how many edge-cases you want to cover, but the above will cover most approaches :)



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