On 25 January 2011 12:04, Merlin Morgenstern <merli...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Am 25.01.2011 12:31, schrieb Merlin Morgenstern:
>> Am 24.01.2011 18:08, schrieb Alex Nikitin:
>>> If you declare your arrays, and set k to 0 first, put quotes around array
>>> values and use the correct limit (you can default to -1), you will get
>>> results, here is code and example (hopefully this helps you)
>>> <?php
>>> function internal_links($str, $links, $limit=-1) {
>>> $pattern=array();
>>> $replace=array();
>>> $k=0;
>>> foreach($links AS $link){
>>> $pattern[$k] = "~\b({$link['phrase']})\b~i";
>>> $replace[$k] = '<a href="'.$link['link'].'">\\1</a>';
>>> $k++;
>>> }
>>> return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$str, $limit);
>>> }
>>> echo internal_links("süße knuffige Beagle Welpen ab sofort",
>>> array(array('phrase'=>"beagle",
>>> 'link'=>"http://google.com";),array('phrase'=>"welpen",
>>> 'link'=>"http://wolframalpha.com";)), -1);
>>> Output:
>>> süße knuffige<a href="http://google.com";>Beagle</a> <a href="
>>> http://wolframalpha.com";>Welpen</a> ab
>>> ~Alex
>> Hello,
>> thank you all for your help. It seems that I am building the array
>> wrong. Your code works with that array:
>> $internal_links = array(array('phrase'=>"beagle",
>> 'link'=>"http://google.com";),array('phrase'=>"welpen",
>> 'link'=>"http://wolframalpha.com";));
>> I am pulling the data out of a DB and am using this code:
>> while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
>> $internal_links[$row->ID]['phrase'] = $row->phrase;
>> $internal_links[$row->ID]['link'] = $row->link;
>> }
>> You build the array different, could you help me to adapt this on my
>> code? I tried $internal_links['phrase'][] as well, but that did not help
>> either.
>> Thank you for any help,
>> Merlin
> HI Again :-)
> the building of my array seems fine. Here is what goes wrong:
> If you use this array:  $internal_links = array(array('phrase'=>"Beagle
> Welpen", 'link'=>"http://wolframalpha.com";), array('phrase'=>"Welpen",
> 'link'=>"http://google.com";));
> Then it will fail as well. This is because the function will replace "Beagle
> Welpen" with the hyperlink and after that replace the word "welpen" inside
> the hyperlink again with a hyperlink.
> Is there a function which will not start looking for the words at the
> beginnning of the text for each replacement, but simply continue where it
> did the last replacement?
> Thank you for any help,
> Merlin
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The solution I've used in the past for this sort of issue (recursive
replacements when not wanted) is to replace each known part with a
unique placeholder.

Once the initial data has been analysed and the placeholders are in
place, then replace the placeholders with the correct value.

So, rather than ...

$internal_links = array
        array('phrase'=>"Beagle Welpen", 'link'=>"http://wolframalpha.com";),
        array('phrase'=>"Welpen", 'link'=>"http://google.com";)

Use ...

$internal_links = array
        array('phrase'=>'Beagle Welpen', 'link'=>'_RAQ_TAG_1_'),
        array('phrase'=>'Welpen',        'link'=>'_RAQ_TAG_2_'),
        array('phrase'=>'_RAQ_TAG_1_'    'link'=>'http://wolframalpha.com'),
        array('phrase'=>'_RAQ_TAG_2_'    'link'=>'http://google.com'),

By keeping them in the above order, each phrase will be replaced in
the same way.

Obviously, if your text includes _RAQ_TAG_1_ or _RAQ_TAG_2_ then you
will have to use more appropriate tags.


Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend
@RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY

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