On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 08:35, Ashim Kapoor <ashimkap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> The book PHP and MySQL bible says that the php directory should be world
> executable  ? I remember posting a different question earlier to this list
> and one person suggesting this and another person replying that that was
> incorrect.
> Could someone clear the smoke on this one ?
> Many thanks,
> Ashim.

I would say that depends on your server configuration. If you have suPHP,
the user executing PHP will be yourself, so 744 isn't needed and you can
just leave 700. (Or less, configuration files are usually 400, just read

If the user is Apache (and Apache is in the same group you are), he will
need to read your files, so you should at least have 740 and also he will
need execution rights on the directory which will result in 750. If apache
isn't in the same group you are (most probably scenario) you will need 755.
Strictly speaking, it should be 705.


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