On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 07:50:45 +0700, Daniel Brown <paras...@gmail.com> wrote:

    No offense, but are you kidding me? The host disables phpinfo() for
security reasons, but keeps 4.4.4 running? Talk about running, Paul.... run
away from them. Fast.

AND they have a condition (this reported) that could cause (fail to prevent) SQL injection!

"Legacy" configurations remain when ISPs don't want to force customers to do the code changes that might be necessary to upgrade

It runs. I'd rather not do the changes necessary to go to PHP5 now. But I cannot add an edit HTML via forms feature to the administration until this is resolved. I want to get to the bottom of this. PLEASE!! ANYONE ???????

HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN. They must have something messed up in the PHP configuration. What is it?

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