On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 07:46:03AM +0000, Geoff Lane wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> On Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 1:42:18 AM, you wrote:
> > ok - here's the code in question.
> > $q = 'select * from director_records ';
> > $qrslt = mysql_query($q);
> > $rows = mysql_num_rows($qrslt);
> > for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++)
> >     {
> >     $j = $i+1;
> >     $row = mysql_fetch_array($qrslt);
> >     echo $j.'-'.$row['userid'];
> >     if ($row['user_priv']<> "")
> >         echo ' ('.$row['user_priv'].')&#13&#10';
> >     else
> >         echo '&#13&#10';
> >     }
> > The output I get is:
> > 1-smith5
> > f-ginerjm (M)
> > g-smith8
> > While the alpha parts are valid, the index is only correct for the first 
> > one 
> > (0) obviously.
> I couldn't understand why you're getting characters, so I thought I'd
> have a go myself. First, some DDL and DML to recreate your data:
>   create table director_records (userid char(16), user_priv char(8));
>   insert into director_records (userid, user_priv) values ('smith5', 
> ''),('ginerjm','M'),('smith8','');
> Now when I ran your code I got:
> 1-smith5&#13&#102-ginerjm (M)&#13&#103-smith8&#13&#10
> That is, all but the first result has &#10x in front of it. These are
> HTML entities that display as characters and it so happens that &#102
> is 'j' and &#103 is 'g'. Strictly, these entities should be terminated
> with a semi-colon (i.e. &#102; and &#103;), but your browser is
> 'obligingly' making sense of the 'bad formatting' and  this is why
> you're getting characters.
> BTW, an alternative to your for construct would be to use a while loop
> to iterate through a data table. e.g. in your case, I'd have used:
>   $q = 'select * from director_records ';
>   $qrslt = mysql_query($q);
>   $i = 1;
>   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qrslt)){
>       echo $i++ . '-' . $row['userid'];
>       if ($row['user_priv']<>""){
>           echo " (" . $row['user_priv'] . ")";
>       }
>       echo "<br>\n";
>   }
> HTH,

*Brilliant* catch. Well done.


Paul M. Foster

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