> The only obvious thing that I can see is that you're checking
if the
> number of results is greater than a string, not a number.
I believe PHP
> automagically converts it into an integer for the
comparison, but try
> changing it to an actual integer and seeing
if that resolves it.
> There is one other time you use
a zero in quotes like that, but without
> seeing the rest of the
code it's impossible to tell whether this would
> be causing an
issue. Check to see if you really do want to compare the
> string
value. Again, this should be automatically converted by PHP, but
there are cases where the conversion isn't what you might expect.
the dropped quote was a typo.  I'm good at that.

> Lastly, I noticed you're using curly braces instead of square
> to reference the $row array values. Was this just a
typo or your actual
> code? Array elements really should be
referenced by square brackets.

I made the change
from the curly braces.  I didn't actually write the code.  I'm
thinking of re-writing this code using the PEAR MDB2 libraries and
mysqli.  Would that help?


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