I'm trying to debug an issue which I think is more to do with Apache 
than PHP, but perhaps someone else has experience with this. Using 
opensuse 11.4, custom compile of kernel 2.6.38, custom compile of 
Apache httpd 2.2.17, and PHP 3.3.6. phpinfo() page works correctly so 
my httpd.conf is configured to deal with PHP.

Using a plain .php file which contains a form with only a submit 
button, at first the browser loads the .php correctly. Then click 
submit in the form, and the browser asks me if I want to open or 
download and save locally the .php file I have requested. This is 
disturbing since it is potentially a security issue.

1. This only happens with method=POST. method=GET works correctly.
2. Using the same form as an .html file, same failure, so it is not 
directly connected to PHP. I have posted an issue with Apache (50978) 
but no response yet.
3. Custom kernel and httpd in Opensuse 11.3 worked correctly. I have 
posted a question with Opensuse forums but no response.

Is anyone successfully using a custom compile of Apache+PHP with 
Opensuse 11.4?

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