On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> php -r "var_dump(10...19);"
> Interesting output ...
> string(6) "100.19"
> And that took me a little while to work out.
> It's all to do with PHP's type juggling.
> 10...19
> What I'm not sure is why the middle empty string is output as 0.
> "10" . . ".19" becomes "10" . "0" . ".19" which becomes "100.19"

My guess is that PHP parses this as

    10<decimal-point> <dot-operator> <decimal-point>19

Because the dot operator requires strings, PHP converts both numbers to
strings as

    '10' <dot-operator> '0.19'

which becomes your


You can see this with

    php > echo (string) 10.
    php > echo (string) .19


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