On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Kirk Bailey <kbai...@howlermonkey.net>wrote:

> If I only had 1 book on php, what would it be?
> --
> end
> Very Truly yours,
>                 - Kirk Bailey,
>                   Largo Florida
>                       kniht
>                      +-----+
>                      | BOX |
>                      +-----+
>                       think
> --
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This is going to sound a little silly, but I'm going to say [drumroll...]

K & R (The C Programming Language)

Let me explain. I've recently reread (most of it anyway) K & R, and the
whole time I was reading I felt like I was studying up on PHP just as much
as C.

There's no language that played a bigger role in the design decisions, and
this is clearly evident when you listen to the core developers. In fact,
even this past week Rasmus said on the PHP Dev list, "Argh! Everyone should
be forced to learn a bit of C. Like many PHP functions, the name and
argument order is right out of libc", a sentiment he's expressed before.

I must admit that I tend to think of PHP as C code that includes garbage
collection of lots of very practical web goodies. And, the book itself is a
gem in terms of clarity, brevity, and sage advice.

So, read (or read again for the umpteenth time) K & R, and then fill in the
gaps with PHP.net. And, on the rare occasion you would need more speed than
your PHP script is providing, you'll be able to write you're own extension
to PHP using it's older brother, C.


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