Hello !

Le 16 juin 2011 à 23:42, Johannes Schlüter a écrit :
> To find out what was changed since the last release please refer to the
> NEWS file found within the archive or on
> http://svn.php.net/viewvc/php/php-src/tags/php_5_3_4RC1/NEWS?revision=HEAD&view=markup

Valid NEWS file for 5.3.7RC1 is  
The previous link is about 5.3.4RC1.

Best regards,
Frédéric Hardy : Architecte d'application/Admin. système/Ergonome
                     CV : http://blog.mageekbox.net/public/cv.frederic.hardy.pdf
                  Blog : http://blog.mageekbox.net
              Twitter : http://twitter.com/mageekguy

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