On Jul 19, 2011, at 3:05 AM, Dr Michael Daly wrote:

is there a simple solution here, other than reverting to php4?
An upgrade from php5 to php5 has resulted in an error msg in this line:

if(  strlen($db_res ) > 0 ) {

I understand this is bec. php5 is object orientated. It says an
Object of class DB_result could not be converted to a string

This is the full function:

function pbcs_db_query( $q , $die_on_error=true, $ext_db_handle="" ) {
        global $db_handle;
        global $db_res;
        global $query_logging,$PHP_SELF;
        global $short_query_cache,$short_query_caching;

        if( $ext_db_handle == "" )
                $query_db_handle = $db_handle;
                $query_db_handle = $ext_db_handle;

        if( $short_query_caching && strlen( $q ) < 80 ) {
                $db_res = $short_query_cache[str_replace(" ","",$q)];
                if(  strlen($db_res ) > 0 ) {
                        //do_log("object.log","READ: ".$db_res);
//                      $db_res->resetResultSet( 0 );
                        mysql_data_seek( $db_res->result , 0 );
                        //do_log("query.log",$PHP_SELF." - FROM-CACHE - ".$q);

                        return $db_res;

What does short_query_cache[] contain?

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