On 2 August 2011 06:28, Ren <lobbyjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For a long time I wanted keyword parameters in PHP.  But thanks to
> newer features like traits and reflection classes I have come up with
> something that looks pretty close.
>    trait KeywordConstructor {
>        public function __construct($members) {
>            $class = new ReflectionClass($this);
>            $properties = $class->getProperties();
>            foreach ($properties as $p) {
>                $name = $p->getName();
>                if (isset($members[$name])) {
>                    $this->$name = $members[$name];
>                }
>            }
>        }
>    }
>     class User {
>         use KeywordConstructor;
>         private $name;
>         private $age;
>     }
>    $lobby = new User(['name' => 'Lobby', 'age' => 36]);
> Right now this requires the trunk version of PHP to work.  I just
> wanted to share this in case anyone finds it interesting and/or
> useful.

I use a similar technique when I need to populate a SOAP class on the
server to coerce data from the DB into the appropriate type as defined
in the docblock of the class.

Richard Quadling
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