On 12 August 2011 16:42, Chris Stinemetz <chrisstinem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a select menu created by a foreach loop. I am trying to
> validate that there was a selection made before it is submitted to the
> database. But I am not doing something correctly.
> <select name="market" class="ajax"
> onchange="javascript:get(this.parentNode);">
> <option value="">Choose...</option>
> <?php
>    foreach($market_prefix as $key => $value)
>        {
>        $selected = '';
>        if($value == $market)
>        {
>        $selected = 'selected';
>        }
>        echo '<option value="', htmlspecialchars($value), '" ', $selected,
> '>', htmlspecialchars($market_name[$key]), '</option>';
>        }
>        ?>
> </select>
> I am using the folling on the posted page.
> if (! array_key_exists($_POST['market'], $market_name))
> {
>    echo "You did not select a market.";
> }
> Thank you,
> Chris

$_POST['market'] won't exist if you haven't chosen one.

Turn on your error reporting and you should see something appropriate.

At a bare minimum, adding ...


as the first thing to test (before seeing if the value is in
$market_name (though I would have thought $market_names would have
been a better name for the variable - implies more than 1 market).

Richard Quadling
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