
EasyPHP (Wamp Server) is out and includes PHP 5.3.7

PHP 5.3.7 VC9 | Apache 2.2.19 VC9 | MySQL 5.5.15 | PhpMyAdmin
| Xdebug 2.1.2

* Features *
- avalaible server port automatically detected (no more port conflict)
- administration page :
 > apache configuration manager (timezone, port)
 > php configuration manager (max execution time, error reporting, upload
   max filesize)
 > create/delete alias
 > add/list modules (wordpress, drupal, joomla, prestashop, spip, webgrind,
   xdebug manager...)
 > phpinfo
 > extensions
 > mysql manager : phpmyadmin

* Install *
- For administrators, EasyPHP is installed in "Program Files"
- For non-elevated users, EasyPHP is "My Documents"
- Or, on an USB key, external drive, memory stick…

* Apache Conf. *
- Since, "localhost" is not used anymore. "" is used
 instead (Windows Vista/Seven hosts file permission problem)


Website : www.easyphp.org
Screenshots : www.easyphp.org/screenshots.php
Facebook page : www.facebook.com/easywamp
Twitter : www.twitter.com/easyphp

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