On 16 September 2011 15:58, Cyril Lopez <cy...@nethik.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone help me understand how money_format() rounds numbers ?
> <?php
>  setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.UTF-8');
>  $price = 12.665;
>  echo money_format('%i',$price);
>  // 12.66 EUR, 12.67 EUR expected
>  $price2 = 12.666;
>  echo money_format('%i',$price2);
>  // 12.67 EUR, ok
>  echo round($price,2);
>  // 12.67, ok
>  echo round($price2,2);
>  // 12.67, ok
> ?>
> Misconfiguration ? Bug ?
> Thanks !
> Cyril

Each locale can define its own rules regarding the number of digits to
show, but I can't see anything that covers the rounding.


What do you get for 12.66999?

I'm on windows and there's no money_format function (due to a lack of
strfmon() function),

Richard Quadling
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