Stephen wrote:

> I have a web page with a form with a text area. I enter:
> foo
> bar
> PHP processes the POST and inserts the record into MySQL.
> The database field is text.
> I use PDO
> For testing I have removed any processing of the text area content.
> Now, no matter how many blank rows I have between foo and bar, in the
> database record, I always get a single newline character.
> I am using Firefox 7.0.1.
> Is this normal behaviour? I want to be able to enter more than 1 newline.
> Thanks
> Stephen

You may have forgotten that HTML treats all whitespace, such as tabs,
newlines and spaces, as a space, unless you wrap the text in PRE tags.

To display a line break where your text contains EOL characters, use nl2br()

David Robley

Hm..what's this red button fo:=/07<NO CARRIER
Today is Boomtime, the 68th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3177. 

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