On 2011/10/20, at 12:54, Daniel Brown wrote:

>    There are third-party sites that send out security alerts for
> software such as PHP, and you can likely find them easily enough via
> Google.  Off the top of my head, none are coming to mind by name, but
> I have subscribed to their mailings myself over the years, and found
> them to be a pretty reliable resource --- some "underground" public
> groups are particularly useful for zero-day vulnerabilities.

I've been on Bugtraq for years, and have found it to be very useful (if a bit 
noisy).  It's heavily moderated, but there's still so much software out there 
that it can get a few dozen emails a day.

<http://www.securityfocus.com/> about halfway down the page fill in your email 
address, and then check off the Bugtraq list in the bottom half.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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