Jim Giner wrote:

> "drive view" <drivev...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:cam4sn2ip7yncw2-2soq-vjk8suer7u5x96fvpeqoitkkcaj...@mail.gmail.com...
>> Hi,
>> I'm a novice to MySQL and am currently facing the following difficulty.
>> I'm trying to update a table with a row of data the primary key of which
>> is
>> an ID which I believe is an auto incrementing serial number.  My first
>> question is how to check if this is the case.
> If you are updating a row, you should already know the id of the record,
> so
> in your update statement you reference it in the where clause.   (ie,
> "where rec_id = $curr_rec_key")
>> Secondly while trying to insert such a row leaving out this column mySql
>> is
>> inserting the row at ID 0 (the previous ID's in the table are from 1 to
>> 9),
>> but then will not take further inserts.
>> Thanks for any help available.
>> Regards
>> Toni
> I don't know what the problem here is.  Personally I never use auto-inc
> fields.

That statement tells us you have a poor understanding of the concept of
relational databases, or you don't use relational tables.

David Robley

Sure, it's clean laundry. The cat's sitting on it, isn't he?
Today is Pungenday, the 26th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3177. 

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