On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 12:46:29AM +0100, Florian Müller wrote:

> Hi guys
> Just a little question: I've programmed some nice little websites up to 
> 25'000 lines of code.
> Now if I see some bigger websites just as facebook and so on, how are they 
> printing their website out?
> Does it work like 
>     <?php    echo "<html><head>...";    ?>
> or do they output it like
>     <?php        if (true) {    ?>        <body>
>         </body>    <?php        } else {     ?>        <head>
>         </head>    <?php        }    ?>
> Or is the code even generated or gotten from a database and evaluated?
> How does the website itself gets printet on really professional websites?
> Thanks for answer!

You're asking for an opinion. In mine, if you have to call fifty files
before printing a byte to screen, you've introduced too much complexity.
I just finished up five weeks at a company where they were calling
probably upwards of 100 files before printing anything on screen.

It ought to be like this:

<?php if ($condition): ?>
<h1>Some text</h1>
Other stuff<br/>
Much other stuff.<br/>
<?php endif; ?>

That said, a lot of CMS-based sites use some sort of templating engine.
Those go like this:

{{if condition}}
((h1:Some text}}
Other stuff<br/>
Much other stuff.<br/>

... with PHP or some other language decoding the "pseudo-HTML" above and
displaying it. Kind of a waste, in my opinion, though a lot of people
swear by templating systems. Again, my opinion, they're lazy typists.

In any case, I think you'll find that most CMS based site presentations
are based on templating engines, though I could be wrong.


Paul M. Foster

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