Am 06.02.12 21:55, schrieb Adam Richardson:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Marco Behnke <> wrote:
>> Am 06.02.12 17:23, schrieb Alain Williams:
>> many places to see if things should be done. That is just as bad as
>> lots of GOTO -- often when having to write something like that I will
>> have a GOTO (in
>> Good code uses Exceptions and try catch for that kind of scenarios.
> Marco,
> Do you know of any research (Human Factors, Bug Analysis, etc.) that
> supports this? I'm certainly not saying that your assertion is incorrect.
> However, I'm starting to compile relevant research related to this topic.

No, this actually a personal experience developed over several years.
Bad documentated @throws is a pain too, I admit that.

From time to time I stumble into that if/else/return scenario where a
method should return a boolean for example depending on the given
parameters. PHP does not offer type checking so what if you submit
garbage that makes no sense for our method.
What will I return? I use exceptions for these unexpected exits. The
caller can now check on true or false and offer an additional try/catch
around it to handle exception.

This is only one artificial example, but imho and if I read the
conversion up to know correct, offers a cleaner approach.
Sadly most IDE offer no support for @throws annotations, I don't know a
single one, and PHP does not support it too.

I haven't used GOTO since C64 days and haven't missed - well during
study days I used GOTO in Assembler :-)

Well, this is just my opinion on the topic and I think that this is in
favor of GOTO.

Marco Behnke
Dipl. Informatiker (FH), SAE Audio Engineer Diploma
Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3

Tel.: 0174 / 9722336

Softwaretechnik Behnke
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 7D
21218 Seevetal

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