"Jason Rennie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Here is the total chunk of code to date.
> It does currently work, except for the file submission complaining about
> the no file uploaded.
> the current fragment of code to do with file submission is simply my
> efforts to get the script to say that a file is being successfulyl
> uploaded.
> Jason
> <?php
> if(is_uploaded_file($userfile))
> {
> move_uploaded_file($userfile,"/tmp");
> }
> else
> {
> echo "No file Uploaded";
> }
> // now to provide an assignment submission box
> print "<P>";
> print "<FORM ENC_TYPE=\"multipart/form-data\"
ACTION=\"$param&upload=true\" METHOD=\"post\" >\n";
> print "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\"
> print "<H4>Submit A File</H4><P> ";
> print "<INPUT TYPE=\"file\" NAME=\"userfile\" >\n<P>";
> print "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Upload\">\n";
> print "</FORM>";
> ?>

Try a simple script that tests just file uploads, without all the other
stuff getting in the way. For your ACTION in the form just point it to:
You seem to have a GET request in the ACTION and a POST in the form, not
sure if that'll be a problem.


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