> At one point you indicated all the data was coming from one table. Can you 
> send me the table fields and indicate which fields are used to determine 
> parent child relationship? Also 2 sample rows of data which have a 
> relationship would be helpful.

Columns - tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4 etc. (ends with tier14)

Children of tier1 are tier2 -

select distinct tier2 from table where tier1 = "foo" and company = "1"
select distinct tier2 from table where tier1 = "bar" and company = "1"

Children of tier2 are tier3, etc.

        tier1           tier2           tier3
1,      executive,      ceo,            ceo
1,      executive,      vp-ops,                 vp-ops
1,      executive,      vp-admin,       vp-admin mgr
1,      executive,      vp-admin,       vp-admin ops mgr
1,      executive,      vp-admin,       vp-admin mgr
1,      executive,      vp-admin,       vp-admin clerk
1,      professional    pro-mgr         pro-admin
1,      professional    pro-IT          pro-dev
1,      professional    pro-IT          pro-infra
1,      professional    pro-IT          pro-dev
1,      technician      tech-admin      tech-admin mgr
1,      technician      tech-ops                tech-ops mgr

Thanks for all of your help. I know I am being a PITA.
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