On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Brian Dunning <br...@briandunning.com> wrote:
> Thanks, this suggestion from Dante completely solved the problem.
> Replaced:
> readfile('/var/www/mypath/My Cool Image.dmg');
> With:
> $fd = fopen ('/var/www/mypath/My Cool Image.dmg', "r");
> while(!feof($fd)) {
>    set_time_limit(30);
>    echo fread($fd, 4096);
>    flush();
> }
> fclose ($fd);
> It's now serving all files properly.

It is indeed a better solution, but as always, you should've checked
the apache logs first and you would've noticed an PHP error probably
about not enough memory..

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