On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Ron Piggott
<ron.pigg...@actsministries.org> wrote:
> I need to access a FUNCTION I programmed within a different FUNCTION.  Are 
> these able to be passed like a variable?  Or are they able to become like a 
> $_SESSION variable in nature?  How am I able to do this?
> I am essentially programming:
> ===
> function name( $flag1, $flag2 ) {
> # some PHP
> echo name_of_a_different_function( $flag1 , $flag2 );
> }
> ===
> The error I am receiving is “Call to undefined function 
> name_of_a_different_function”

Where is name_of_a_different_function defined? If it is somewhere in
the same file as name, that shouldn't be a problem, provided it is
defined in the same namespace/scope as name. If it is defined in a
different file, you need to include that file before you make the echo

For example:

function func1 ($flag1, $flag2) {

   # blah blah

   echo func2($flag1, $flag2);

function func2 ($flag1, $flag2) {

   #blah blah

   return "some string value";

in the same file should be just fine. It doesn't really matter what
order func1 and func2 are declared in.

However, if func2 is defined in some_other_file.php, you need to
include it in this_file.php (where func1 is defined) first:


function func1 ($flag1, $flag2) {

   #blah blah

   echo func2 ($flag1, $flag2);

function func2 ($flag1, $flag2) {

   #blah blah

   return "some string value";

If func2 is a method for an object/class, you'll have to access it
that way in func1:

function func1 ($flag1, $flag2) {

   # blah blah, instantiate object?
   $myobj = new MyClass();

   echo $myobj->func2 ($flag1, $flag2);

class MyClass
   function func2 ($flag1, $flag2) {

      #blah blah
      return "some string value";

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