Please read

You need to use:

php_value auto_prepend_file /usr/local/htdocs/oi2kplus1/phplib/prepend.php


> I'm trying to get auto_prepend to work on Mandrake 8.0, apache is
> configured with mod_php4 and mod_vhosts. Where do I add the command for
> prepending?
> I've tried in the vhosts.conf and http.conf, could be my syntax..
> I've tried the following in both .confs:
> auto_prepend_file /usr/local/htdocs/oi2kplus1/phplib/prepend.php
> auto_prepend_file=.:/usr/local/htdocs/oi2kplus1/phplib/prepend.php
> auto_prepend_file ".:/usr/local/htdocs/oi2kplus1/phplib/prepend.php"
> auto_prepend_file=".:/usr/local/htdocs/oi2kplus1/phplib/prepend.php"

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