Hello everyone,

                In my quest to build bigger and better dynamic content, I am
putting forth a concept to see what you all think.

Many times I come across customers who want drop down menus dynamically
built from database tables.


Old way Example:

Echo '<SELECT ID=personnel><option value='0'>--Please  Select--</option>';

$query = "SELECT * FROM personnel ORDER BY last_name";

$result = mysql_query($query);

If(mysql_num_rows($result) >= 1)


While($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


Echo "<option value='".$row['ID']."'>".$row['first_name']."



Echo '</select>';



I am purposing a Method for this that has some flexibility.


Initialize Object:  $yourobject = new yourclass();

Call method: // The call design is just so you have a better understanding
of my concept

$dropdown = $yourobject-> dropmenu('personnell','ID',array(0 =>
'first_name', 1 => 'last_name'), 'last_name'); 


Function dropmenu($table,$fieldforvalue,$fieldstodisplay,$fieldorder)  //
Yes you could add some WHERE filters as well 


                $arraytoreturn = array();

                If(strlen($table) >= 3){   


                $count = 0;

                                foreach($fieldstodisplay as $key=>$values){

                                                if(strlen($values) >=3){

                                If($count == 0){

                                $fields = $values;


$fields . = ",".$values;






                                If(strlen(($fieldstodisplay) >= 1){

                                $fields = $fieldstodisplay;

                                $fieldstodisplay = array(0


                                Return $arraytoreturn; // Return nothing
because no field was selected.




Return $arraytoreturn; // Return nothing because no table was selected.


                If(strlen($fieldorder) >= 3) {

$orderfilter = " ORDER BY ".$fieldorder." ";          


                $orderfilter = "";


$query = "SELECT ".$fields." FROM ".$table." ".$orderfilter." ";

$result = mysql_query($query);

If(mysql_num_rows($result) >= 1)


$arraytoreturn[] = "<option value=0>--Please Select--</option>";

                                While($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


$display_fields   = "";

                Foreach($fieldstodisplay as $key=>$values){

                $display_fields  .= $row[$values]." ";      


                If(strlen($fieldforvalue >= 3){

                $arraytoreturn[] = "<option
value='".$row[$fieldforvalue]."'>".$display_fields  ."</option>";


                $arraytoreturn[] = "<option>".$display_fields  ."</option>";



                Return $arraytoreturn;


Return $arraytoreturn; // Nothing to return.




Now I can call the drop downs driven by database tables dynamically and It
saves me a TON of time.

Echo '<SELECT ID=personnel>';

Foreach($dropdown as $key=>$values){

Echo $values;


Echo '</select>';



Richard L. Buskirk

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart
enough to know they were impossible"


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