On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> On 8/27/12 6:11 PM, Matijn Woudt wrote:
>>> You should never be calling require() yourself.  Just follow the PSR-0
>>> naming standard and use an autoloader, then you don't have to even think
>>> about it.  There are many existing autoloaders you can use, including
>>> Composer's, Symfony2's, and probably Zend has one as well.
>> I believe there's one in PHP by default now called SPLClassLoader or
>> something like that..
>> - Matijn
> There was a proposal for one, but it was never added.  You still need a
> user-space class loader for PSR-0, but they're readily available.
> --Larry Garfield

Ah thanks for the info. I heard about it way back and assumed it was
implemented by now ;)

- Matijn

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