> On 10/25/2012 06:15 PM, l...@afan.net wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> My site with Drupal 7. I contacted tech support and he said he accessed
>> to
>> the site with FTP - what I doubt. But if it's truth - it's even worse
>> because whole server is then compromised.
>> I need help with command line for "list all new/modified files within
>> the
>> last 24 hours".
>> Thanks for any help,
> First off, don't hijack someone else's thread for a new topic

I apologize for this, I thought by changing the Subject It's new thread.

> Secondly, this has nothing to do with PHP
I apologize again. You're right, I should post on Linux group.

> Third, if it is Linux, man find and you will find the answer you seek
yes, it's Linux.

> Forth, if it is Windows, I have nothing else to say

> --
> Jim Lucas
> http://www.cmsws.com/
> http://www.cmsws.com/examples/
> --
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