Hi all,
I've been chasing around a memory allocation error for some time and can't figure it out. It is somewhat random - I can run the script 3 times and then it will happen, or sometimes the first time.

It happens at the very end of a script, actually after the script has finished running. I will see the following after the closing </html> tag:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 494142432 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

Just previous to this my mem usage is 3772104

The script itself does some database work (deletes, inserts, selects) but nothing very heavy and writes out an XML file. I use adodb 5.18, the server is PHP 5.3.18 (this was updated recently) and it is a VPS on inmotionhosting.com.

As you can see, the memory limit is 256M so it's really high and I never see that I'm using more than 4M. The error doesn't fall through my error class - I'm assuming that's because it is happening after the script is complete.

I am completely out of ideas on how to trap it or figure it out.
Any ideas would be appreciated!

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