On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Arno Kuhl <a...@dotcontent.net> wrote:
> I've bumped into an odd result with the date() function that I can't make
> sense of.
> Starting with a unix timestamp for 31 December 2012 13:12:12 (which is
> 1356952332) I calculate a week number:
> $ux_date = 1356952332;
> $weeknumber = date("W", $ux_date);   // returns 01 instead of 52

    Because, technically, 31 December was the second date of the
*fifty-third* week of 2012.  However, because the majority of the week
falls in 2013, it's rounded-in with that.

</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager

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